Chapter 1, Section 8 of the Wyoming Regulations for Swimming Pool, Spas & Similar Installations requires all general us and and limited use public pools/spas to have a person CERTIFIED in Pool operations This Operator Course ( CPO) will fulfill this requirement. CPO is a nationally recognized course - followed by a written examination which teaches Advanced Techniques in Safety, Water Chemistry, Mechanical Room/s, Maintenance, Management and covers Wyoming Regulatory Compliance; This Certified Pool Operators Course is recognized as an industry leader and a Gold Standard in the Aquatics Industry. The CPO seal of approval is assurance to Pool and Spa owners, from Hotels,, Motels smaller therapy pools to the Olympic sized municipal and college pool to large Aquatic Centers that their facilities, staff and swimmers are under the supervision of trained/certified professionals . Those who have completed the two day course and the written examination receive certification which is valid for 5 years. The written Exam is an open book test with passing grade of 75%. three types of course ensure all sectors in the aquatic industry are served.
Refund Policy Call Instructor CAROL COX